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FREE Notion Widgets Add ons FINALLY | Embeds using Indify | Weather, Countdowns, Clocks extensions​

In this video, I’m going to show you how you can add and embed widgets to your notion app for FREE using Indify. We’re going to be going through quotes life trackers, weather, counter countdown, and a number of different clock faces to supercharge your notion.


  • 00:00 Introduction
  • 01:55 Overview of Indify
  • 02:45 ‘Quotes’ Widget
  • 05:54 ‘Life Progress Bar’ Widget
  • 07:51 ‘Weather’ Widget
  • 09:18 ‘Counter’ Widget
  • 10:13 ‘Countdown’ Widget
  • 11:11 ‘Clock’ Widget
  • Website link:
  • FREE Notion templates link here:
  • #notion, #indify, #productivity

Overview of Indify

So the first thing I want you to do is to open up an internet browser and then we’re going to click on the very first link which is

Now before I dive into the tutorial and explain to you how to get those widgets into your notion setup, I would just like to point out that on the top left-hand corner you can see that indify is actually ranked number three as a ‘product of the day’ on the website product hunt.

If you’re not familiar with the product website then I would urge you to have a look at that because that website doesn’t just have indify and some of the reviews that it’s been receiving.

If we go to the home page it actually has a list of various products that are being developed by startups all around the world. Basically, the whole concept is that you submit your product and then the community actually upvotes your product depending on how good they think that particular product is.

So this is a really cool way of actually discovering new products so if you haven’t done so already then I would urge you to have a look at that.

Now because this is a startup product the features that are available at the moment are limited but i’ll show you those so let’s go ahead and create a login so this is completely free all they ask you to do is to be able to put in your email address and then sign up so because i’ve already signed up instead of putting my email in this bar over here i’m going to go ahead and click on the login and every time you need to log in you have to put in your email address and then they’ll send you a login link and all you have to do is just click  n that so you don’t actually need to remember or have any passwords at the moment to be able to use this particular service so once you’re logged in you should land on this particular page so the first section is where you’ll see any of the widgets that you already  reated then you can explore the widgets in two different ways one is using a base based on volumes and the other bit is in alphabetical order so at the moment they have a total of eight widgets that you can use and two of them integration with the google calendar and  he integration with the image gallery are actually paid widgets whereas we have six options that we can choose that are completely free and those are the ones that we’re going to be going through in this video today so because this is a startup the library of widgets at  he moment isn’t that expensive but you can sign up to their newsletter you can follow them on twitter or the facebook community and i believe that they do release new widgets every single month whether they’ll be free or not i’m not sure but it is worth checking it out  o there’s two ways we can create the widget one is by just simply clicking on add widget here or we can hover over the type of widget that we want to create and then simply click on create widget.

Quotes Widget in Notion

We’re going to start off with the quotes one so let’s go ahead and click create widget so the page is split into two sections so on the left hand side you have all the customization options and on the right hand side you have a preview of the widget and how it will look in your notion so let’s start by giving this widget a title the next thing is we can select the instagram account that’s linked to this widget now because these are quotes indefine has to pull these quotes from somewhere so at the moment if you click on the drop down you  ave a list of five different instagram accounts that you can link to so if you click on quotes of the day you can see it’s changed obviously at the moment this particular widget is limited to just these five instagram accounts so if you don’t like the quotes from either of  hem then this widget is probably not going to be good for you the next option is whether we want to be able to hide the refresh icon or not so as you can see within your preview window on the bottom left hand corner you have the refresh so if i clicked on that it will  hange the quote to something else now we can either have this visible or we can hide this i like to keep this visible so if i do want to change the quote i can easily do that so the next option is whether we want the display to be in dark mode or as it is at the moment so if  e hover over the bottom right hand corner you can see the dark mode toggle appears and if we click that and if the option is available within the quote itself to be able to display the background as being dark then it will but in this case for the quotes of the day we don’t actually get that option but you’ll see that working in some of the other widgets later on the next option is whether we want to be able to display this bar on the bottom left so we could toggle that and then if we hover over the bottom left you can see that that bar no  onger appears i quite like to have it appearing because sometimes if i do want to change this view then i can easily do that within notion that i don’t have to come back into in define and be able to recreate this widget just to be able to have that dark mode the final thing  e can do before before going into our notion setup is we can easily drag the border to preview the widget in different sizes we could simply drag the edges of this particular widget and see what it would look like at a different size so as you can see that looks much  igger so depending on the type of space you’ve got on your notion page you can resize this however you want you can see we can make it really really small and bring that in so it looks really nice so the last thing we need to do is simply be able to copy this link and then  e can head over to our notion and then you simply need to right click and paste and then we want to be able to select the create embed option and if you give it a couple of seconds hopefully that quote should appear and once again you have a number of different  ptions in here so we’ve got the refresh option so if you want to hange this quote we can simply click it in here and as you can see it’s changed the quote so we could do this whenever we want really cool feature if we hover over the right hand side you can see the dark  ode so we can toggle that you can see the background changes to black we can untoggle that and it changes to the default we can also resize this within notion which is really handy because sometimes you want to be able to resize things and you don’t have to go back  nto the Indify website that looks really good and i think we’ll stick to that now.


Life Progress Bar Widget in Notion

Let’s go back to the Indify website to see what else we can do so we’ll go back into the main page again on the top section now we can see that widget that we’ve created and it also gives you the option to be able to just duplicate the widget if we wanted to but in this case we’re going to go ahead and create a live progress bar so we’re going to click on the widget so the use case for this particular widget are quite limited so what it’s essentially doing is it gives you the option to be able to work out based on your birthday so let’s give it a birthday around the year 2000 let’s say it was the 9th of january and then it asks you how long do you expect to live so let’s say we want to be able to live until we’re 100 years old you can  ee on the right hand side it started giving us a percentage of how much of our life we’ve actually lived so for instance if we go down to the life bar it says it’s 21 so that’s because out of 100 years if we’re 21 years old at the moment that means we’ve actually lived 21 of our life bit spooky if you ask me but if you’re interested in finding out how much time you’ve got left on this earth then feel free to add this widget in your notion setup obviously there’s a couple of things that we can customize further depending on whether you want  o be able to work out the year month week day quarter all the life you can just simply toggle these and then you can have the widget only showing the bit that you actually want in this case we’ll select all of them just because we want to be able to see all of them in  otion you can also work out whether you want your percentages to be whole numbers or you want them to be decimal places so if we click on that you can see it works out of more of an accurate percentage but i think in this case we’ll just keep it to the whole numbers last two options much like the previous widget you can have the dark mode as you can see it’s change that view in the background or you can have the default view we’ll just go ahead and copy this and go back into our notion and see what it looks like once again ctrl v  and then we’ll go ahead and create embed that looks good we can still go to the dark mode we can click on that we can change our view and then we can also resize this if we wanted to that looks good

Weather Widget in Notion

Now let’s go ahead and create the much anticipated weather widget because this is one of my favorites so we’re back onto the website just before we move off this we’ll give it a title now let’s go back into the home page you see we’ve got our two widgets here we’ll hover over the weather one and we’ll create the widget so a couple of things to know here we’ll just quickly give it a title then you have to change the location so we’re just going to go ahead and quickly change this to london in terms of units i prefer to use celsius so we’ll go ahead and do that and then you can change the number of days  ou want to be able to display you could go ahead and select the next seven days which could be quite handy or you can have it the next two days we also have the option of hiding today’s weather so you could click on that and you can see today’s view is gone i’m not  ure  hy you would want to do that because i think it’s really handy to be able to know what today’s weather is like and much like the other widgets we can simply click on the dark mode as well and then change the background to be dark in this case we’ll leave it as light  nd then we’re going to change this to seven days as well so we can see the maximum view and the other cool thing we can do is just resize this depending on how we want display so as you can see it’s now created this slightly different but beautiful view of the weather  idget and one other thing you can do is you can see that the rain for instance is actually animated so you could go ahead and click on this toggle and then it would just make it a static picture i personally prefer to have it animated because that just makes it look a lot  ore cooler so we’ll just keep it at that so that’s looking good i like the size so let’s go ahead and copy that widget we’re back in our notion now again we’re going to paste the link we’re going to embed it i think i’m going to go ahead and resize this that looks really good it  ill center it so it’s showing up in the middle so there we go that’s the first three widgets done

Counter Widget in Notion

Now we’re going to go ahead and create the counter one so we’ll scroll down further and that’s part of the volume 2. we’ll click on that so counter is quite interesting it is it is a  ittle bit manual so for instance if i just show you you just have to simply click on the plus sign and the count goes up or you can reduce the count obviously it depends on what you want to be able to use this for so we’ll go ahead and give it a title so i’m going to go ahead  nd track how much water i’ve ranked today and then there’s two customization options we can choose from you can either have this as being a minus and a plus or you can have it as arrows either going down or going up i think i’ll keep it as plus and minus and then you can change the calendar on a daily basis and then reset it the next day once again you’ve got the option of the dark mode we can go ahead and copy the link and go back into our notion and then simply paste it again we’ll just resize the columns to make the widget  it a little bit better. 

Countdown Widget in Notion

So hopefully by now i think you’re getting the hang of it and you should be feeling a lot more comfortable as to how you can add the widgets in we’ll just go ahead and do a couple of more just to give you an idea so then we’ve got the countdown widget i find this  uite useful as well so we could say that event could be holidays then we can go ahead and select it so let’s say i’m going to go on holiday in in two weeks time we can also give it a time period so let’s say my flight is going to be leaving at 3 pm and then on the right hand  ide you can see the countdown so we’ve got weeks days hours minutes seconds to go and then the other thing you can customize is the to go bit at the end we could come down here and then click on the accent color and then we could put in any color combination we  ant but in this case i’m going to go ahead and choose this and then as you can see it’s changed the color of those two words at the end and then we can go ahead and copy this link so again really cool feature okay.

Clocks Widget in Notion

So the last widget that we’re going to go through is the  locks and this again is one of my favorites they have a couple of different options for how the clock can look so let’s just go ahead and quickly have a look at those we’ll scroll down you can find the clock widget click the widget and then i’ll show you a couple of different  ptions so by default it will show you the analog smooth one which is an analog one it’s got the digital time plus it’s got the day of the week so really handy stuff so we can click on the drop down we can select analog numbers and as you can see the difference here is that  ou’ve got the numbers showing up on the actual dials themselves you got the analog planets really cool if you’re into your astronomy it’s called the second hand and then it’s got the hours and the minutes as well you can also change the dark mode on this just to give  ou a different view nd then  you got two more which is the digital roulette again this is quite handy as well if you’re into this type of view and then you got the classic sort of just the clock time itself we can also change the time zone so you know you can go ahead and  elect whichever country you’re in so you’ve got the right time showing you can change it to a 24 hour clock feature you can hide the settings if you’re not interested in that level of detail and then you’ve got the usual sort of dark modes if you want that option so we’re g oing to go ahead and select analog smooth and then we’re going to copy the link we’re going to go ahead into notion let’s paste this in and see what it looks like that looks really nice it could definitely feature in an ocean setup let’s go ahead and select a different clock  his time around let’s choose a roulette copy the link let’s paste it in there and then let’s do another one let’s select theplanets let’s copy this and then paste it in notion let’s go ahead and select dark mode on a couple of these just to see what that looks like.


So hopefully that gives you a really good flavor of the type of things you can do by using the intify widgets add-on within notion obviously the number and the type of widgets is limited at the moment but like i said they’re a new startup and they keep adding more and  ore widgets as time goes on so i do encourage you to keep an eye on them but if you think any of these current widgets could be really really useful for your setup then now you know exactly how you can create those widgets in your notion setup so there was two more  hat we didn’t go through in this particular tutorial if you’re interested and you want to be able to integrate your google calendar into your notion calendar then this widget will allow you to be able to do that and then also if you want to be able to bring in some images from the gallery you can do that as well but you will need to upgrade in terms of the price plan i think it’s only a couple of dollars a month so i hope you found that video helpful if you did give it a thumbs up if you have any questions put it in the comments below and if  ou’re interested in learning more about notion then i recommend that you check out this video next.

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